
Fernwärme Forum 2025 (CH)

Meet HoSt at the Fernwärme Forum in Bern, Switzerland, and connect with our colleagues on January 23. Be sure to come by and learn how you can efficiently meet your heat and power demands, while reducing CO2 emissions and avoiding fossil fuels.

Our boiler plants generate heat and power from biomass and waste and are designed to maximize return on investment, efficiency, and environmental performance. Or learn more about our Heat as a Service solution. Through this solution, you receive sustainable heat and power in an economically profitable way without investing or operating a facility yourself. Allowing you to focus on your core business.

Fernwärme Forum

The Fernwärme Forum is a forum for industry experts from Germany and beyond to explore the benefits of district heating. The event highlights its environmental sustainability, adaptability, and dependable supply, aiming to inspire interest among politicians, investors, and key industry stakeholders.