Biogas plants

Ensure optimal biogas production and retrieve sustainable end-products by utilizing organic waste, residues, and manure. Biogas plants suitable for the anaerobic digestion of all feedstock.
0 > projects
Biomethane produced
0 Nm3 / hr
Global reach
0 countries

Our turnkey biogas plant solution

Our biogas plants can be supplied with in-house biogas upgrading, bio-LNG, bio-CNG, and CO2 liquefaction technology. The image below is an illustrative representation.

HoSt Group - Biogas plant
HoSt - Liquid feeder HoSt - Liquid feeder

Liquid feeding

Tanks for the reception of liquid waste products, such as manure and sludges. Depending on the type of feedstock and project location the tank can be heated and insulated.
Anaerobic digestion
HoSt - Digestate treatment HoSt - Digestate treatment

Digestate treatment

Digestate treatment technology improves the application of the valuable nutrients in the digestate - offering various digestate treatment technologies.
Digestate treatment
HoSt - Biogas upgrading technology HoSt - Biogas upgrading technology

Biogas upgrading

An essential add-on technology for all biogas plants. The systems integrate effortlessly into any biogas facilities and enables biomethane production.
Biogas upgrading
HoSt - BIo-LNG system HoSt - BIo-LNG system

Biomethane liquefaction (bio-LNG)

Access a sustainable and reliable fuel supply with the maximization of biomethane production. Convert biomethane into liquid biomethane.
Biomethane liquefaction (bio-LNG)
HoSt - Bio-CNG system HoSt - Bio-CNG system

Bio-CNG station (virtual pipeline)

Virtual pipeline technology enables the feasibility of biogas and biomethane production in remote areas by creating bio-CNG.
Virtual pipeline (bio-CNG)
HoSt CO2 liquefaction HoSt CO2 liquefaction

CO2 Liquefaction

CO2 liquefaction technology recovers CO2 and produces liquid bioCO2 with food-grade quality, an essential add-on technology for biogas upgraders.
CO2 Recovery & Liquefaction
HoSt - Solid feeder HoSt - Solid feeder

Solid feeder

The solid feeder offers flexible technology for different types of input substrates. Based on the type of feedstock the most suitable system will be selected for the project.
Anaerobic digestion
HoSt - Digesters HoSt - Digesters

Digesters & after-digesters

The anaerobic digestion process occurs within the digesters. A digester with an after-digester results in a increased biogas output, due to a higher conversion rate of organic matter.
Anaerobic digestion
HoSt biogas plant - organic waste

Biogas production

Innovation and research are high priority at HoSt, leading to a constant optimization of our anaerobic digestion technology and our biogas plant design. This translates into robust biogas plants suitable for all types of feedstock and repowering of biogas plants. Repowering ensures high efficiency and maximizes the potential of the existing biogas plant.


Full in-house technology portfolio
Easy operation due to in-house software
Flexibility with all types of feedstock
Heat recovery & double membrane roofs
24/7 service & maintenance
Interested in more information?
HoSt biogas plant - organic waste

Contracting flexibility

HoSt provides flexibility in contracting, which translates to turnkey biogas plants or a reduced scope consisting solely of design and key components. With our flexibility in contracting, we can meet any requirements your project may have. Therefore, we can customize technologies to preferred criteria and guarantee the ideal implementation of the biogas facility.

Biogas plant calculator and configurator

A successful biogas project starts with the biogas plant configurator from HoSt. This innovative tool provides comprehensive mass and energy balances tailored to your unique needs. Additionally, the biogas plant calculator takes the Carbon Intensity score (CI-score) into account. With the biogas configurator we can perform calculations for biogas plant projects. For increased profitability of the project, the  calculator provides professional advice on feedstock configuration and offtake services. Resulting in the best Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for your project, the lowest CO2 footprint, and the highest possible revenue.

Biogas from sugar waste

CO2 savings
0 metrics ton
Waste utilized
0 tons per year
Biogas produced
0 million Nm3 / year

This biogas facility at Fontenoy, Belgium transforms beet residuals, such as beet tops, into renewable energy. After the first successful project for Iscal, HoSt has developed a second biogas plant. The biogas plants efficiently process up to 200 tons of waste daily during the sugar beet campaign. After a pretreatment, the biogas is directly applied in Isera & Scaldis’ sugar production process which contributes to sustainable sugar manufacturing and a greater independency of fossil natural gas. Aligning organic waste production with the factory’s heat demand.

HoSt biogas plant - Fontenoy (Finasucre) Belgium
CO2 savings
0 metrics ton
Waste utilized
0 tons per year
Biogas produced
0 million Nm3 / year

We realized biogas plants for

HoSt biogas plant - Fontenoy (Finasucre) BelgiumBelgium
Isera & Scaldis Sugar
HoSt biogas plants - Charlton Park UKGreat Britain
RAW Energy
HoSt biogas plant - France, SAS Orvin - heat exchange & recoveryFrance
SAS Orvin
HoSt biogas plant - repowering - Groengas Jelsum NetherlandsNetherlands
Groengas Jelsum
Sagamihara Biogas Power in Japan - HoSt biogas plantJapan
JFEC Japan
HoSt biogas plant - manure - NetherlandsNetherlands
HoSt biogas plant - UkraineUkraine
HoSt biogas plant - organic residues and manureFrance
Dalkia (EDF)
HoSt biogas plant in botos Serbia for BioelektraSerbia
HoSt Biogas Plant for Ormonde Organics in Portlaw, IrelandIreland
Ormonde Organics
HoSt biogas plant - organic wasteGreat Britain
Stanton Recycling
HoSt Biogas Plant for Biocow in Ellough, England (UK)Great Britain
HoSt biogas plant - organic residues and manure - NetherlandsNetherlands
Groenewoud Gas
HoSt biogas plant in Eppeville, FranceFrance
Engie Bioz
HoSt Microferm biogas plant - Koudum, NLNetherlands
Firma Stokman
HoSt biogas plants for Castel Metha in Noyal Chatillon, FranceFrance
Castel Metha
HoSt biogas plant in Tsalapitsa, BulgariaBulgaria
Bioma Gas
HoSt biogas plant in ChinaChina
CPCEP Bioenergy
 and many more