HoSt Energy as a Service - Grolsch Netherlands

Biogas Contracting as a Service in Enschede, Netherlands

In this Biogas Contracting as a Service model, HoSt offtakes biogas from the Grolsch wastewater treatment plant and upgrades this to biomethane which is injected in the gas grid.
Biogas as a Service from HoSt Group

Biomethane from beer wastewater

Grolsch beer with its distinguished green collard bottle became even ‘greener’ now Royal Grolsch – in addition to using sustainable heat from Twence – also chose the Biogas as a Service model from HoSt. HoSt offtakes the biogas from the Grolsch wastewater treatment plant and upgrades this biogas to biomethane which is injected into the natural gas grid.

Biomethane from beer brewery

0 million Nm3 per year
Equivalent to gas for
0 households

HoSt annually produces and injects over 1 million Nm3 of biomethane using biogas from Grolsch. A regional cooperation for a greener beer brewing process and a greener regional gas network, resulting in a more sustainable industry while at the same time enabling the production of biomethane which will replace 1 million cubic meters of natural gas annually. This sustainable alternative for fossil natural gas supplies renewable gas equivalent to the yearly consumption of approximately 700 households.

Biogas as a Service from HoSt Group
0 million Nm3 per year
Equivalent to gas for
0 households

Project features

  • No investment needed from the biogas produced as HoSt is the owner and operator
  • Volarize biogas to high vallue end products and increase the sustainability of your process
  • Obtain a fixed income for your produced biogas
  • Focus on your core business
Biogas as a Service from HoSt Group