RDF-fired heat & power plant at paper factory

HoSt Group built a 15MWth RDF fired, 1.8MWe CHP plant at an European paper factory. This plant produces renewable heat & power from RDF fuel.
RDF-fired CHP Plant - Romania - HoSt Energy Systems

Heat & power from RDF

The client generates refuse-derived fuel as a waste stream from their paper factory manufacturing processes. This is a blend of RDF / rejects from recycled paper and paper sludge / fibers which is utilized in this project to produce renewable energy. By utilizing these streams, it reduces the factory’s natural gas consumption by half, which is a great leap forward to a sustainable future.

Paper factory utilizing RDF

Natural gas saving
0 % per year
Energy output
0 MWth
RDF capacity
0 tons/hour

The steam boiler in this plant powers a steam turbine, generating 1.7MW electricity and providing 18.5 tons per hour steam at 6 barg and 175°C. The setup meets strict EU emission norms, featuring a compact building of only 17 meter high and advanced flue gas cleaning to minimize emissions.

Natural gas saving
0 % per year
Energy output
0 MWth
RDF capacity
0 tons/hour
RDF-fired heat and power plant at paper factory

Packaging and paper industry

The industry sector needs clean, efficient, and reliable energy to increase energy security and independence. A feasible solution to tackle the problem for industrial heat and electricity consumers are small and medium-sized CHP plants utilizing RDF as an useful resource. HoSt is pleased to contribute with our technology to the sustainable development of the industry, including paper mills in the packaging and paper industry, and to enable factories to diversify away from natural gas.


  • Sufficient RDF supply from own recycling processes
  • Improved RDF feeding system with screw infeeder
  • Membrane wall for optimal furnace temperature control
  • Installation design meets most stringent EU emission laws
  • Compact design with low building height (17m)