HoSt biogas plant - Fontenoy (Finasucre) Belgium

Organic waste biogas plant in Fontenoy, BE

At Isera & Scaldis Sugar's factory in Belgium, organic waste is aligned with the factory's heat demand. The biogas plant produces renewable energy from sugar beet residues during the sugar beet campaign.
HoSt Fontenoy, BE - Sugar beet pulp - Biogas Plant

Biogas from sugar waste

Utilizing beet residues, the biogas plant produces biogas and bio-fertilizer. This project transformed beet residuals, such as beet tops, into renewable energy. After a pretreatment, the biogas is directly applied in Isera & Scaldis Sugar’s production process which contributes to sustainable sugar manufacturing and a greater independency of fossil natural gas.

Biogas plant at Isera & Scaldis Sugar

CO2 savings
0 metrics tons
Waste utilized
0 tons per year
Biogas produced
0 million Nm3 per year

During the sugar beet season, the biogas plant efficiently processes 200 tons of sugar beet waste daily. The produced biogas is directly applied in facility’s sugar production process which contributes to sustainable sugar manufacturing.

HoSt biogas plant - Fontenoy (Finasucre) Belgium
CO2 savings
0 metrics tons
Waste utilized
0 tons per year
Biogas produced
0 million Nm3 per year

Project characteristics

  • Second biogas project HoSt has constructed for Isera & Scaldis Sugar
  • External heat exchanger
  • Lower CI score
  • The generated renewable energy is directly applied in the production process