
Forum sul Brasiliero Biogás e Biometano (BR)

Find HoSt in Chapéco, Brazil at the Forum sul Brasiliero Biogás e Biometano from 16 – 18 April 2024. Be sure to meet us and learn more about our biogas plants and biogas utilization technologies. Learn more about our range of biogas utilization technologies, including biogas upgrading, bio-CNG, and bio-LNG and CO2 liquefaction.

Forum sul Brasiliero Biogás e Biometano

The sixth edition of the biggest biogas and biomethane event in Southern Brazil will focus on the contribution to the development of the biogas and biomethane chain in the states of Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná, as well as throughout the country. The aim of the event is to provide the public with a space to discuss the production and use of biogas as an energy source and, in particular, how to weaken existing barriers and the potential for development of this sector in the southern region of Brazil.

HoSt’s biogas plants and biogas utilization

HoSt specializes in designing, building, and maintaining efficient biogas plants. The HoSt biogas plants are designed to effectively produce and retrieve sustainable end-products by utilizing organic waste, residues, and manure. HoSt also offers Biogas upgrading, CO2 liquefaction and digeste treatment as essential add-on biogas utilization technologies. The systems integrate effortlessly into the biogas facilities.